Find your key to Functional Health!

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Hi I’m Debra! Your Functional Medicine and Medical Weight Loss Specialist - focusing on unlocking the root cause of health issues and supporting your body as naturally and effeciently as possible.

Do you want to travel, run on the beach and do all the things you love well into old age? I do! My own health challenges once got in the way of what I love to do and led me to a passion to help others. Read more about my journey here. Don’t suffer another day when there’s help a click away.

No time is wasted when it comes to your health! Finding your Functional health Key is simple, cost effective, and best of all it’s virtual! Schedule your free consultation today!

Find your key to Functional Health

  • Step 1 - Hire your Functional Med Coach

    The body is a complex and interconnected system. Imbalances and deficiencies in one area can impact overall health and cause symptoms that can lead to disease. Hiring a FM Coach is like hiring a detective to dive into the case and find out what’s going on.

  • Step 2 - Learn your biochemical identity, unique to you

    Identifing and addressing imbalances can be done using a combination of fact finding, detailed history, and testing if needed through a physician. Learn tests available and how you can unlock the key to optiminal health with a deep dive into your bioindividuality.

  • Step 3 - Get your Functional Health Key

    Your body will thrive with a plan that's tailored to your unique make up. Our body is meant to get well and can with the right combination of science and nature. With targeted supplementation and lifestyle modifications you’ll have your key to Functional Health.

Specializing in

  • Genetic Screening

    Genetic Screening

    Unveil the underlying story of your health. Are you genetically prone to certain diseases? Learn what genetic testing and personalized biomarkers can tell you about your health so you can unlock the key to optimal wellness.

  • Menopause Renaissance

    Aging doesn’t have to be difficult. Healthy aging is possible and to be celebrated! Not another day with hot flashes, brain fog, moodines and worse!

  • Adrenal System Health

    Empower your journey and discover the vital role of adrenal glands in hormonal balance and stress. Supporting your Adrenal system is key to optimal wellness

  • Gut Health

    Unveiling the Power of Gut Health: The Surprising Connection Between Your Gut and Your Brain. Is your microbiome healthy or do you have a Leaky Gut, causing a profound impact on your well being?

  • Brain and Neurotransmitter Health

    Your brain is a complex machine filled with neurons and neurotransmitters that send messages throughout the body. Learn how to keep your brain healthy!

  • Lifestyle Health

    A demanding lifestyle and fun celebrations can take a toll on your body, especially when it involves alcohol. Learn how to give your body relief from toxic stress and depletion.

“Working with a Certified Functional Medicine Specialist to find a solution for my digestive issue was a new experience for me, and one that will become part of my personal preventive health care plan moving forward. How refreshing to collaborate with a Healthcare Professional that listens, educates, and informs me of solutions tailored to my needs… I am forever grateful.”

— Leslie, Newport Beach, Ca

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